The NEB studio

Active since : 2017

The NEB studio is a creation studio for fictional graphic novels founded in 2017 in Grenoble, France. From writing to storyboarding, from charcter design and concept art all the way to paper or digital comics : we unite our talents to create rich visual worlds and meaningful stories, aiming to contribute to imagination renewal.

Founded in 2017 by Morgane Schmitt Giordano and Diane Ranville, The NEB studio is the story of four creative friends dreaming of bringing beautiful and meaningful stories to life. The studio started out creating paper graphic novels and comic books in collaboration with various publishers (Akileos, Ankama…) while developing online narrative extensions as well as native digital comics. Since 2020, we have been focusing primarily on digital comics, specialising in narrative innovation using visual and hybrid media.

Artistically, the studio intends to develop high-quality graphic styles allying subtlety and intensity, serving stories that are both engaged and engaging. We love treating social, political or philosophical themes through pop-culture universes, navigating between retro-futuristic dystopia, colorful urban fantasy, strangeness and visual poetry.

Our productions are born as original creations, co-creation or co-productions, in a spirit of collaboration and sharing.

Grenoble (38000), France
We speak French, English, Spanish, Italian
Contact the team
Morgane Schmitt Giordano
Diane Ranville
Jamin Amaral Fernandez
Gabriel Amalric
Update : 15/05/2024
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