Patrick Fontana

Active since : 2004
A person

Patrick Fontana experiments with all kinds of media to produce his works: drawings, digital installations, video-performances, installations, films and sound. He also works with fragments, taking samples from philosophical discourses and books. He takes notes dessinées in philosophy seminars, which are then turned into plastic work. Patrick Fontana never ceases to create an interface between his artistic practice and the social field. Coup de Coeur de l'Académie Charles Cros 2014, for the Luca Babel audio CD.

Patrick Fontana began taking dnotes dessinées during seminars in philosophy, art aesthetics and sociology. These notes consist of a drawing linked to a fragment of a text read or heard during a talk. Taken in the moment, they are a way of putting words or texts into images, which then engage a plastic work.

(seminars by Jacques Rancière, Giorgio Agamben, Toni Negri..., based on books by Gilles Deleuze, Aristotle, Walter Benjamin, Christophe Bertossi, Spinoza, Anna Tsing, Karl Marx... ).

Since the creation of the video-performance GRENZE, based on notes dessinées from Marx's Capital, in 2004, with Pierre-Yves Fave, he has continued to create an interface between his artistic practice and the social field through the Lecture(s) de bouche(s) workshop, which records readings aloud and celebrates its 20th anniversary in 2024.

This workshop is the source of the digital installations Desintégration(s), Lecture(s) de bouche(s), en redevenir féroce et sauvage...

He received the Coup de Cœur de l'Académie Charles Cros in 2014 for LUCA BABEL, audio CD, poems by Ghérasim Luca, with people learning French as a foreign language at the Emmaüs-Solidarité association in Paris.

He is the author of the digital app Ethica, of work without obstacles, of Spinoza's Ethics, an international project between art and the humanities. Since it went online in November 2018, more than 62,000 people from 110 countries around the world have visited the free Ethica app of barrier-free work and its website.

paris (75018), France
I speak French, English, Italian
Update : 15/05/2024
Ethica work without obstacle, exhibition 2021
Disintegration(s) installation Fontana&Fave
Mouth(es) Lecture(s), installation Fontana&Fave
Reaction time performance-workshop
media library, sound recording (Matthieu Gauchet)
installation temps de réaction (Dune Deschamps)
Notes dessinées presentation Jean Collet galery 2023 Vitry-sur-Seine (Daniel Purroy)
Poster 3x3m, Rigorous conterpoint, Ethica work without obstacle 2021 (Pierre-Yves Fave)
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Projects that showcase our skills and expertise
Ethica work without obstacle
2018 - SCAM, CNC aide à l’écriture et au développement aux nouveaux médias aide à la production, DICREAM...

Ethica is an international project between art and the humanities that began in 2009 and continues today. Funded by Conseil régional des Hauts de France, Université de Picardie J. Verne, brouillon d'un Rêve P. Schaeffer grant, CNC aide... unanimously approved by the jury, DICREAM, Fondation MSH

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Lecture(s) de Bouche(s) P. Fontana Pierre-Yves Fave
2024 - associations, DRAC, Régions, départements, Résidences....

Lecture(s) de bouche(s) is a workshop of sound experimentation based on poetry in all its diversity : contemporary French and foreign poetry. It is open to all audiences. The workshop is a place for exchange and learning. celebrates 20 years of existence in 2024.

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Grenze P. Fontana Pierre-Yves Fave
2006 - DICREAM, SCAM, CTC, CG93, résidence à NIFCA (Nordic Institut For Contemporary Art) Helsinki

GRENZE is a series of visual readings based on Capital by Karl Marx (part 1). In GRENZE, the principal question thus goes on the movement, the circulation of capital and its transformations. It places progressively series of metamorphic movements.It gives it a visual translation.

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